Download Model 5403 Brochure
Download 5403-AC Brochure
Download 5403 Excitation data here:
Product Link: Dipole – 5403
The 5403 Electromagnet is an variable gap C frame dipole electromagnet. It is used in research and industrial applications where a large pole gap and coil spacing is required for the sample or ancillary equipment. It can be operated to high current for intermittent operation or low current for continuous operation. The light weight allows it to be used on optical tables or production test equipment and the simple poles enable axial entry & exit holes to be matched to the optical geometry.
The 5403AC Electromagnet is similar in design to the standard 5403 except that the poles and yoke are laminated for AC field applications. This magnet can be used for teaching, research and industrial applications where fast field ramping and settling is required. The light weight allows it to be used on optical tables and the poles include provision for axial optical holes.
The 5403EG Electromagnet is an extended fixed gap C frame dipole electromagnet. This magnet is similar to the standard 5403 but has air-cooled coils to provide a larger clearance between the coils. It is used in research and industrial applications where a large pole gap and coil spacing is required for the sample or ancillary equipment. It can be operated to high current for intermittent operation or low current for continuous operation. The light weight allows it to be used on optical tables or production test equipment and the simple poles enable axial entry & exit holes to be matched to the optical geometry.
Download Model 5403 Brochure
Download 5403-AC Brochure
Download 5403 Excitation data here:
Product Link: Dipole – 5403